Masuk Daftar

habis makan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "habis makan"
  • habis:    finish; gave out; given out; giving out; over;
  • makan:    ate; break bread; broke bread; broken bread;
  • habis:    finish; gave out; given out; giving out; over; play out; played out; used up; done for; dry up; finished; give out; run out; die; cease; wear; perfective; land up; wind up; undone; through with; rea
  • makan:    ate; break bread; broke bread; broken bread; dining; eat; eaten; eating; eatten; knocked back; knocking back; take; feed; film; partake; put down; take aim; fret; food; eat up; dine; gourmandize; wa
  • menggunakan habis-habis:    exhaust
  • tak habis-habis:    limitless; illimitable
  • tidak habis habis:    unappeased
  • baru habis:    fresh out
  • berangsur habis:    peter
  • habis dijual:    finish selling
  • habis itu:    and then; then
  • habis melahirkan:    puerperal
  • habis perkara:    that is done with
  • habis semua:    all gone
  • habis semuanya:    all gone
  • The fight goes on as planned-- After we eat lunch.
    Pertarungannya sesuai rencana setelah habis makan siang.
  • I've not finished! Do just go!
    Aku masih belum selesai ngomong, habis makan kau main pergi saja!
  • If it keeps me here after dinner, then it's enough.
    Habis makan gue tetep di sini, berarti oke.
  • Had been eating these potatoes already for a couple of years.
    Habis makan kentang ini sudah selama beberapa tahun.
  • Looks like he ate a bad oyster.
    Dia seperti habis makan kerang busuk.
  • Oh, you've finished your food and are talking.
    Habis makan baru dibicarakan lagi.
  • Looks like you ate a box of crayons.
    Kau seperti habis makan krayon.
  • Is it like dine and dash?
    Apakah itu seperti habis makan lalu pergi?
  • Yeah, well, you know old folks after a big meal.
    Yeah, hmmm, kau tahu orang tua klo habis makan banyak.
  • Like -- like... Thanksgiving-dinner full.
    Seperti... habis makan malam Hari Raya Syukur.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4